Do you have an idea and intending to pursue entrepreneurship? In this service I help with the assessment of most important factor in incubating an idea into a unicorn, the Founder(s) then followed by the assessment of the idea itself. Some startup investors have a thesis of B grade idea with an A grade team over an A grade idea with a B grade team. There is some validity to this thesis. As many think tanks and institutions in this industry have stated, during the early stage of any business, the success of the idea depends on the team. I provide insights into your profile and your assets that help you build and lead a startup business. Ideas are dime a dozen. As an idea Uber is stronger than AirBnB. Of course, both these ideas needed the smarts of their early-stage teams to become the unicorns they are today. Drawing from my academic and professional experiences, I will provide comprehensive insights into how strong is your idea: whether its actually an Uber or an AirBnB. The what-if scenarios and my recommendations.
Founder Market Fit – Assessment
Do you have an idea and intending to pursue entrepreneurship?
In this service I help with the assessment of most important factor in incubating an idea into a unicorn, the Founder(s) then followed by the assessment of the idea itself.
Some startup investors have a thesis of B grade idea with an A grade team over an A grade idea with a B grade team. There is some validity to this thesis. As many think tanks and institutions in this industry have stated, during the early stage of any business, the success of the idea depends on the team. I provide insights into your profile and your assets that help you build and lead a startup business.
Ideas are dime a dozen. As an idea Uber is stronger than AirBnB. Of course, both these ideas needed the smarts of their early-stage teams to become the unicorns they are today.
Drawing from my academic and professional experiences, I will provide comprehensive insights into how strong is your idea: whether its actually an Uber or an AirBnB. The what-if scenarios and my recommendations.
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